In business, social media provides a great platform for businesses to promote and engage with customers reaping cost effective rewards. As social began, sharing and expressing on a personal level allows us to bring this great big world a little closer. This feature is what keeps everyone hooked. When we turn to social media, we learn, laugh, cry and inevitably, complain.
I read a post on Facebook last week about a 17 yr old boy that left a note at his neighbor’s house. The image in the post was the actual note the teenager had written. The neighbor was a police officer and the teenager left him this note explaining that he had cut his grass because his job as a police officer is hard enough. He, (the teenage boy) wanted the police officer to enjoy an extra hour of free time after work. How absolutely gracious! A selfless gesture in this time of such community unrest. It warmed my heart. I like to read the comments on posts like this, typically to see everyone rallying around the do-gooder, so I clicked on the comment button. Much to my disappointment, the very first comment was someone ridiculing the teenager’s penmanship! What!? Are you kidding me? The next comment expressed that the boy should have asked permission before mowing the officer’s lawn. What?!
It was a goodwill gesture, you don’t ask permission to do something nice for someone! Fortunately, there were numerous kudos paid to this young man in the comments. And, some commenters took a stand for the boy, criticizing the naysayers in the post. So, this resulted in bickering commentary on a social media platform. So disappointing.
We all have ‘our days’ where we aren’t full of love and sunshine, that’s a given. We all have opinions about the world around us. I just ask that moving forward, pause. Take a moment to see the good, it won’t hurt, I promise. Let’s use the power of the social media platforms to bring each other up, not tear each other down.