Here we have some topics we know are relevant to your business. Get your coffee, settle in and fill your brain with all of this knowledge. Or just call us and get started, we already know all this stuff!

Why Are We So Hooked on our Mobile Phones?

You don’t need a degree in neuroscience to figure out that just about everyone in the western world is attached to their mobile phones. Just look around in any public setting (after you put your phone down, of course) and you can see for yourself, we love looking at our phones. Checking emails, texting, trolling…


3 Ways Chat Bots Will Affect Businesses

Chat bots are making a resurgence, and Facebook just announced their role in last week’s F8 developer conference in San Francisco. What is a chat bot? It’s a simple piece of software that uses artificial intelligence to carry on a conversation. In simple terms, you are messaging a robot. Chat bots have been around for…


Millennials, Marketing and the Impact on B2B

Every generation has a name: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and the newest group, Boomlets.  Each preceding generation has its opinions about the next, and often there are struggles amongst them both personally and professionally. As a proud Generation X-er, I too have found myself perplexed by the generation before me and equally stumped by…


Looking Back: Digital Marketing in 2015

When it comes to digital marketing, it is a constant and ever changing phenomenon. It’s kind of like that saying about weather in the Midwest; if you don’t like it, stick around, it’s bound to change! And we saw plenty of change this past year. We thought it would be fun to recap some of…


Online Holiday Shopping And Your Business

The holiday season is officially upon us, and many businesses are gearing up their online marketing efforts in order to take advantage of the enormous number of online customers who are about to log on. Even if your business doesn’t actually sell products customers want to buy as gifts for friends and loved ones, you…
