On April 21st, 2015, Google rolled out a significant change to their mobile friendly algorithm. That algorithm controlled search results based on a website’s ability to be responsive across mobile devices, aka, mobile friendly. Why did Google make such a stand on mobile friendly responsiveness? Well, Google is a business, too. Customer satisfaction is important to them just like any other business. The continued surge in the use of mobile devices, Google wanted to ensure that their customers have a great experience using their product.
Earlier this month, Google rolled out an update of the mobile friendly algorithm. This change will reward mobile responsive websites with an additional ranking boost in search results. Nice!
So, let’s back up. What are ‘responsive websites’? Responsive websites adjust to the screen of the device it is displayed on. A responsive site does not require the user to ‘pinch and grab’ in order to read the text or view the images. It configures all the website information within the parameters of the device is displayed on.
Now, why is this important?
- Google made it important. But Google made it important because our society today has the patience of a gnat. We want instant information at our fingertips at all times. Right?!?
- Digital marketing, even social media marketing, often requires a responsive site to execute.
- Google made it important. Yep, that’s a repeat of #1. Reality.
The good news, g2 media pros offers a complimentary assessment of your current website. We run it through a tool that examines at all the areas important to search engines, primarily Google, and determines the responsiveness, SEO factors, metatags and backlink information (the techy stuff used to build a solid search engine ‘readable’ site), business listing accuracy and social presence.
Don’t sit on the sidelines with your online presence – we are happy to help your business be the star of the game!