Perhaps it is because I have been in advertising and marketing my entire adult life, but I am absolutely fascinated by the political season, particularly when it comes time to vote for a new President. I take note of what they are doing to promote themselves, connect with voters and of course how they can spin a negative into a positive (not always) with the right words and position. It really is a lesson to be learned by anyone who owns a business. Social Media is becoming an integral part of the best campaign strategies.
This particular season is even of more interest because of the changes in how the voters acquire information on the candidates. According to Streetfight, “…in 2015, news is more and more likely to be consumed on social media timelines, which now play the role of news aggregator – and easily shared with a simple RT or share button.”
Candidates are taking advantage of this. With more “non-political” candidates than ever, I am excited to see the use of new and innovative channels outside of the political norm. The ability to set up local social media venues for news using Facebook and Twitter should really change the game in the way voters can comment and express themselves to their own community. Comments on big news platforms often get lost, and make it difficult for those in a community or area to discuss the local concerns that affect them.
Bernie Sanders, whether you agree with his political views or not, used live-streaming to get his message out to thousands of potential voters. What is genius about this is that his team, primarily volunteers, organized “online house parties” in coffee shops, bars and living rooms across the country to view the event. Over 100,000 RSVP’d!
On the other side of the political divide, Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, discussed her ideas to use social media to poll US citizens on different issues before they are brought to congress. During an interview on MSNBC, she talked about this briefly. She says technology should be used as a tool to re-engage citizens in the process of their government. Hallelujah!
So keep an eye on how things progress this political season, and observe how some of the innovative ways politicians are using Social Media could be applied to what you are doing with your own marketing strategy.
If you are looking for innovative ways to use Social Media for your own business, contact g2 media pros.