Yes, I said I love online retargeting. Why such a strong emotional response to a digital advertising strategy? Because it gives business owners the opportunity to really be clever and effective in a very competitive digital space. Nothing makes me happier than finding cost effective solutions for our clients!
First of all, let’s define what it is. Online retargeting allows you to anonymously follow your website visitors as they browse other sites on the internet with a specific offer, driving them back to your site to purchase or make a final buying decision. There are two types of retargeting, pixel based and list based. Pixel based retargeting allows you to place a cookie on your visitor’s browser and follow them to various retargeting platforms. It can begin the following process almost immediately after they leave your site, allowing for a very timely offer. List based retargeting allows you to retarget a list of email contacts you already own, and serve up your ads to them on social networks like Facebook & Twitter. The email addresses must be associated with their social accounts in order for your ads to be visible. You can get really focused on the offer because you typically know more information about them and where they might be in the buying process.
Back to why I love it. In either scenarios, pixel based or list based, you are targeting an individual who has already shown interest in your brand and has engaged with your company, online or otherwise, increasing your ROI exponentially. Using retargeting in tandem with other campaigns that help drive traffic to your site, keeps your costs down and your web conversions up. Your message will have more meaning because you are designing it around that person’s most recent behavior, eliciting a higher click through rate. It also keeps you from having to compete too much in the ad words game, which can be quite expensive, depending on your competition and how deep their pockets are.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]